Health and Social Care Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Thursday, 6 March 2014




Meeting time:

09.18 - 14.06




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


David Rees (Chair)

Leighton Andrews

Rebecca Evans

Janet Finch-Saunders

Elin Jones

Lynne Neagle

Lindsay Whittle








Clare Bath, Cancer Research UK

Dr Tom Crosby, Velindre Cancer Centre

Emma Greenwood, Cancer Research UK

Bernadette McCarthy, Velindre Cancer Centre

Buddug Cope, Genetic Alliance UK

Emma Hughes, Genetic Alliance UK

Hayley Norris, Patient Representative

Gwyn Tudor, MediWales

Deborah Evans, West of England Academic Health Science Network

Professor Carl Heneghan, Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, Oxford University

Dr Corinne Squire, South East Wales Academic Health Science Partnership


Lars Sundstrom, West of England Academic Health Science Network






Committee Staff:


Llinos Madeley (Clerk)

Sarah Sargent (Deputy Clerk)

Chloe Davies (Deputy Clerk)

Philippa Watkins (Researcher)






View the meeting transcript.




1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 Apologies were received from Darren Millar, Gwyn Price and Kirsty Williams.




2    Inquiry into access to medical technologies in Wales: Evidence session 8


2.1. The witnesses responded to questions from Committee members.


2.2 Emma Greenwood informed the Committee of recent work undertaken in collaboration between Cancer Research UK and NHS England which asked relevant industry groups how they envisaged the field of radiography in 10 years. Ms Greenwood agreed to share information on this work with the Committee.




3    Inquiry into access to medical technologies in Wales: Evidence session 9


3.1 The witnesses responded to questions from Committee members.


3.2 Buddug Cope agreed to provide the Committee with information regarding the link between the NICE health technology programme and the UK Genetic Testing Network (UKGTN).


3.3 Ms Cope also agreed to provide the Committee with further clarification regarding the relationship between the approval of new tests by UKGTN and their subsequent commissioning by NHS Scotland.




4    Inquiry into access to medical technologies in Wales: Evidence session 10

4.1. The witnesses responded to questions from Committee members.


4.1 The Committee agreed to consider items 6, 7 and 8 before the consideration of item 5.




5    Inquiry into access to medical technologies in Wales: Evidence session 11


5.1. The witnesses responded to questions from Committee members.


5.2 Lars Sundstrom, West of England Academic Health Science Network, agreed to provide a note on the new system that has been introduced in England (that is available to Welsh organisations) which allows access to funds and provides a method of commissioning research and development through the healthcare system.




6    Papers to Note


6.1 The Committee noted the minutes of the previous meetings.




6.1  Letter from the Chief Nursing Officer in relation to action points arising from the Committee meeting of 30 January 2014


6a.1 The Committee noted the letter from the Chief Nursing Officer.




7    Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:


7.1 The Committee agreed the motion to consider item 8 in private.




8    Consideration of the Minister for Health and Social Services' response to the Committee's letter regarding the follow-up inquiry into stroke risk reduction


8.1 The Committee discussed the letter from the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the follow-up inquiry into stroke risk reduction.


8.2 The Committee agreed that it would discuss actions in its public meeting on 20 March 2014.

